In 2015, Maras Non-Profit Peru was formally founded to generate more contributions with sustainable actions for social development.
Discover our social projects:
Since 2016, we have been able to bring toys to more than 3,500 children in the Community of Maras, Community of Umachurco, the shelter San Francisco de Asis in Cusco and Children of Huachipa through the Campaign Donate a Toy and Take Maras Pink Salt to your Home, sponsored by MARAS GOURMET.
The objective is people can donate a new or used toy in good condition. In return, we deliver a package of Maras Pink Salt x 200g as thanks.
We seek to have the support of more companies and institutions with a place, where we could perform the collection.
The best time to schedule this activity is in October and November, so we have more time to get a better schedule collection and excellent publicity.
The Convive Project has been created to contribute to the social development and learning of special children in situations of neglect from the Shelter San Francisco de Asis in Cusco and other shelters in the town.
It is our responsibility to contribute to the future of new societies for a better world, supporting children with and without a physical or psychological disability.
Convive Program seeks to implement different work areas to stimulate creativity, imagination, art, reading, learning, expressiveness, spontaneity and autonomy in children with physical, psychological or sensory disabilities.
Shelter San Francisco de Asis
In the Community of Umachurco – Cusco, an ornamental flower grows that dates back to ancient times called Astromelia, Incan Lily or Lily of the Field. Maras Non-Profit seek to contribute to economic sustainability businesses, empowering families in the Cultivation of Astromelias, under the schema of greenhouses and foliar fertilizer, without the use of chemicals or pesticides.
This crop will give value and motivate production. When reaching the final consumer, it will provide awareness and social responsibility for a better and more equitable society while eliminating poverty and inequity.
2008 : Audiovisual Room
Installation of a Multimedia Room and Computers Donation “San Francisco de Asis” Kinder Garden Maras Community – Cusco.
2009: Implementation of Sanitary facilities
Implementation of Sanitary facilities “San Francisco de Asís” Kinder garden Maras Community – Cusco.
2009: Support in Recreational and Educational Activities
Support in Recreational and Educational Activities “Virgen del Carmen” Elementary School Maras Community – Cusco.
2016: Cold Campaign “Let's shelter Maras”
A campaign that provides shelter for more than 2,000 children of the Maras Community since 2015.
2016: Paint Maras - Faber Castell
Painting competition, whose objective is stimulate children of the Maras Community in creativity, imagination, and intellectual development.
2016: Medical Care for the Maras Community
2016 Health Campaign Beneficiaries: 550 locals of the Maras Community. During the evaluations, patients with heart disease were detected who we brought to Lima for treatment. We had the support of Pediatricians, Gynecologists, Nutritionists, Dentists, and Ophthalmologists.
2016: Magic to the Maras Community
The activity carried out with the Magician Nicolá, to bring positive emotions, joy, and fun to the children and adolescents of the Maras Community. An activity that builds confidence and improves children’s self-esteem.
2017: Victim Relief Campaign “Take care of our children’s feet"
With the support of volunteers, and sponsoring companies we have obtained 11 tons of boots, water, food and clothing for the victims of Piura. Beneficiaries: 1,500 inhabitants of the affected areas of Piura in Perú.
If your company or organization would like to support our campaigns, please write to us at: or leave us your name and email so we can contact you as soon as possible.